It was another glorious day on Thursday, July 17th as we headed out once again to tour the mountains. We left Glenwood Springs and back down to Carbondale and from there we turned and headed west this time to Paonia. We passed through the scenic Crystal Valley and then on up to McClure Pass at 8,755 feet. Further on we took a left turn and headed to the Ragglands Wilderness Area. The route passes through pine forests and expanses of aspen.
As we continue we come to the town of Crested Butte and around to Gunnison. After the mountains, the broad valley between the two towns is an interesting contrast. The open pastures provide ample forage for cattle, deer,and elk. Three dams on the Gunnison River have transformed the semi-arid area into a recreation mecca. The high, dry vistas are now interrupted not only by the Gunnison River's narrow thread, but also by three lakes, Blue Mesa, Morrow Point and Crystal.
Around past the town of Mahr and Crawford we are back at Paonia and then back along Hwy 133 to Redstone and Carbondale and back to Glenwood Springs. We did pass the town of Marble where marble was quarried for many notable structures including the Lincoln Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
John says that what we really need is a jeep to go through these mountains but I kind of like the convertible with the top down.
Next we are off to Estes much more to see... what a great big country this is that we live in with so much to see.....
Candy and Johnny