On Tuesday, July

29, we drove over to Devils Tower in Wyoming. We did not stop there last year when we were in the area. You have to see it to believe it. Rising 1,280 feet above the eastern plains of Wyoming and the Belle Fourche River. It is truly a one-of-a-kind natural wonder! The two-square-mile park surrounding the tower was proclaimed the nation's first national monument by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. Devils Tower is steeped in Native American tradition. One legend has it that a giant bear clawed the grooves into the mountainside while chasing several young Indian maidens.
In case you can't quite remember why it looks so eerily familiar, it's because Devils Tower played a pivotal role in the climax of Steven Spielberg's si-fi classic " Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
Rock climbing is the favorite sport at Devils Tower. We saw two teams... one ascending (see bottom photo) and one descending the tower. That would not be me as I have a terrible fear of heights!!!! We did hike the 1.3 miles around the base which winds among rockfalls of gigantic columns which have fallen from the monolith.
It truly

was an amazing sight!
That is all for today.
Have a great summer,
Candy and Johnny