There in the road were the Bison!!! All over the place, blocking traffic, a huge heard of the giant animals!!!
There are nearly 1600 buffalo in the park and they are allowed to roam free. The signs all say not to approach the buffalo.....but what if they approach you??? There were several young males that looked like they were playing and I thought that for a moment that they might run into the car... but they stopped short.
When you get caught in a "buffalo jam," it is best to just relax and enjoy the spectacle of the bison crossing the road. Eventually, they will move.
Funny, we have driven the Wildlife Loop Road 3 times and not one bison and you travel down the main highway and there they are!!!!! Well, I have now seen them up close and personal.
As you can see there are calves along with the adults
What a sight!!! Worth the trip!!
Well, we are off on Friday once again... will check in later to let you know where we have landed.... Until then,
Candy and Johnny