As I said, there are seven State Parks located along the north shore route, along with many rivers and streams that flow into Lake Superior. Here are a few of the places that we stopped along the way.
The top photo was taken at Gooseberry Falls State Park. The upper and lower Falls views have barrier-free accessibility. The photo at the left is of the lower falls area.
Our next stop was at Tettegouche State Park. The Baptism River flows rapidly through the park having the highest waterfalls within the state. We had to hike about 3/4 of a mile to the High Falls. It was a beautiful sight! This falls drops 170 feet on its journey to Lake Superior.
Our third falls that we encountered was at Temperance River State Park. The Temperance River drops 162 feet in a half mile in a series of cascades, the last of which (pictured here) occurs about 100 feet from its mouth at Lake Superior. Surrounding the spectacular rocky gorge is a thick coniferous forest. Large potholes and cauldrons occur in the gorge, some of these are still being carved by the river today. the name of the river was derived from the absence of a "bar" at its mouth.
It was a long day but a beautiful day and a beautiful drive. I was only sorry that we could not continue all the way around the lake. We plan to head back to Duluth and spend a few more days and then continue along the south side of the lake through Wisconsin and Michigan. More later.....
Candy and Johnny