We are here in Minnesota. We are at the KOA Campground in Maple Grove. It is not far from Angela, Jeff and the kids or Keeth and Kristy's. Arrived here on Sunday, August 3. I had to get up at 5:30am as John wanted to get an early start... it was supposed to rain but we made it here and no rain.
Angela's daycare lady went on vacation so I am taking care of the kids for two weeks. I love it but it is a lot of work, I am not use to picking up kids all day and playing with them.. We go to the park and play games and color and read books. A two year old and a three year old are full of energy.

Abby just turned two in May and Michael will turn four in September. So they do keep me busy. Tomorrow we are going to have lunch with my 84 year old mother. She does not get to see the kids very often,so she loves to see them. John will join us for lunch, however he does not go with me during the day, just not a child person. Oh well, I am having fun.... we will be here until the 25th of August.
Hope all the photos come through....Love to all,
Candy and Johnny