Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anacortes, Washington

We arrived in Anacortes on August 1. It is here that we meet up with our NWA RV-Flyer friends to spend some a relaxing month! We were the last of our group to arrive here at Fidalgo Bay. There were eight other coaches waiting for us..... as usual the fun began almost as soon as we arrived. The first order of business was to celebrate with "crab night"! What a feast!!!! The crabs are so sweet and wonderful, add to that the corn on the cob, salad, bread, and along with the wine came the stories and laughs.
The weather here is wonderful. Warm sunny days (for the most part) and cool starry nights.

Each day begins with a three mile walk into town and back along the railroad path. On Saturdays we stop in the farmers market to pick up fresh fruit and vegetables. The fresh berries here are wonderful. Raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. The cherries were about at the end of the season. Along the trail to town are wild blackberries just rip for the picking. One of our friends, Fred, loved the berries so much he went to his coach and with all of his tools he invented a berry picker. That way he could reach to ripe ones along the top of the vine and not get into the thorns along the bottom. The cobblers and pies we each made were out of this world. All the gals here are great cooks, the food is wonderful each and every night! Looks like we will have to go back on our diets soon!

The first weekend that we were here there was an arts and crafts festival in town. The festival takes over about six blocks down main street. It is Friday, Saturday and Sunday with lots of things to see and buy, along with great food and wonderful music. It rained on Saturday but that did not dampen our spirits.

As my computer had died along our route here, I have been spending time transferring my photos and information to the new computer. I have so many photos it is really taking a long time, however I am determined to get all of my photos before the old computer quits altogether. What a job!!!

Later we are going out whale watching, so stay tuned for the next installment to see what we saw.

That is all for now, I am glad that I am finally get caught up on my blog and I apologize for taking so much time.

Until later, remember that we love to hear from you also,

Candy and Johnny
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