Frank and Albert Michaud, two local prospectors, discovered the cave in 1900, when they felt cold air blowing out of a small home in a canyon. It is unknown whether any previous inhabitants of the area were aware of the natural cave opening, which was not large enough for a person to enter.
After enlarging the cave entrance with dynamite, the Michauds
found a cavern lined with calcite crystals, which led them to name it "Jewel Cave". The brothers tried to capitalize on the discovery, widening the opening, building walkways inside, and opening it to tourists. Their venture was unsuccessful, however, news of the cave reached Washington. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Jewel Cave a National Monument on February 7, 1908. The area around the natural entrance to the cave was further developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's. The National Park Service assumed management of the monument in 1933 and began offering tours in 1939.
The Park Service had put a 300 foot elevator shaft to a remote cave area built concrete walks and metal stairs and platforms along a one half-mile loop. The "Scenic Tour" (which we took) was opened in 1972.
Jewel Cave contains the most common types of
calcite formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, flow stone, and frost work, although not in the same abundance as other caves. One of the formations was named "fried egg" and another "bacon". I think you can see why from the photos!
The other day I was one the Jewel Cave web site and noticed that the tours have been suspended for a while as the elevators have been closed due to "technical" problems. Glad that we toured the cave when we did!!!!
That is all for today.
Until later,
Candy and Johnny in the Black Hills