This sport of cowboys is a must see, and with a performance every night all summer long it fits easily into everyone's plans. Rodeo in Cody is as old as the town itself. After the fall round-up, cowboys from all over the Big Horn Basin trailed cattle through town to the rail head across the river. The earliest bronc-riding contests were staged right on main street, Sheridan Avenue.
Rodeo's popularity soared during the 1920's. The Rodeo Association of America was born in 1929 to bring some rules and regularity to the sport and to establish national championships. The "Stampede" in Cody
Cody gunfighters perform a free Old West melodrama in downtown Cody six nights a week in from of the Irma Hotel. The gunfighter programs last about 45 minutes and feature actors garbed as real and fictional heroes and desperadoes. Depicted are a variety of Old West characters such as Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hickock, Ned Cristy, Wyatt Earp and Teton Jackson. The intent of the Cody Gunfighters is to keep alive the spirit of the Old West. Proceede from donations and the sale of posters benefit Cody charities. Even though they use blanks in the guns, it really is quite loud! A fun time to be had by all.... lots of cheers and boos....
Another evening we had dinner at the Irma Hotel ( great prime rib!) with our friends Gary and Courtney. From dinner we went to the Cowboy Music Revue. A Branson/style music variety show. Dan Miller, Wendy Corr and Tim Bushnell along with Dan's daughter playing the fiddle, it was a wonderful review. Another fun evening with good friends.
There is still more to see and do around this area so stay tuned for more later, until then, Candy and Johnny